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How to Sell eLoad Products via LoadCentral Webtool
1. Go to the official LoadCentral webtool –
2. Log in using correct username (63xxxxxxx) and SL password
3. Choose the product you want to sell from the Products dropdown list
4. Enter the buyer’s mobile number
5. Enter quantity being purchased
6. For Globe and Touch Mobile autoloadmax, please type the amount being purchased in the Optional Parameter textbox
7. Click Sell Products button
*The result of your recent file transaction will be displayed on top portion of the page. The e-Pin sold will also be displayed on the “Your Recent Sale Transaction” box. Buyer receives a confirmation of item purchased from LoadCentral.
*There are times when an Epin sold is not sent to the customer’s mobile phone due to poor signal or some technical problems encountered at the time of purchase. We can let the system resend the last epin that was sold. This action does not deduct anything from the retailer’s wallet load since we are just resending the last epin that was already sold. Simply enter the customer’s mobile phone number and click on the “Submit” button to resend the customer’s last bought ePIN.
*Retailers can also generate a detailed report of their sales transactions and earnings within a certain date using the webtool. They can choose a start and end date to further filter out the report.
Advantages of using the Web Tool in selling products:
- No SMS cost since transaction is via web interface.
- Faster and more efficient since it by-passes LoadCentral’s access SMS numbers.
- The details of the e-PIN that was just sold are displayed on the PC monitor.
- A Retailer can generate a detailed report of his sales transactions and earnings.
- A retailer can do advance selling of e-PIN to himself for fast-movers.
- A retailer can sell a maximum of 10 e-PINs of the same product denomination per transaction.
- A retailer can opt to log in and sell eload from a static IP address only which offers security for the retailer.
- In the absence of a static IP address, the retailer can use the web lock feature of the system.
- In case the LoadCentral official website ( is not accessible, the retailer can directly access the URL by logging in at
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LoadCentral Access Numbers
The official LoadCentral SMS gateway is 09191602250.
Here are the other back-up SMS Access Numbers.
Smart – 09209456856, 09209456857, 09286863098, 09286863078, 09286863079, 09286863097
Globe – 09178662418, 09052031349, 09052031336, 09052031345, 09052031346
Sun – 09229990214, 09228504340, 09224512799Note: As of Jan 9 2012, all back-up access numbers were reactivated. Kindly use these numbers for all mobile phone related transactions. Please take note that loading through these access numbers is not free.
For Smart, Talk ‘n Text, Red Mobile and Sun subscribers, you can use the Vanity Number: 2948 to send SMS load commands free of charge. If it becomes unstable/erratic, please use the regular access numbers indicated above which are always online.
2948 is not available to Globe and Touch Mobile subscribers. Please use the regular access numbers indicated above.
NOTE:1. selling e-loads through the Webtool is highly recommended. It is convenient, instant and free!
2. Phone related transactions like change of password, deposit verification, unlocking of locked account, etc. are not instant. Wait for the reply before proceeding to the next step. Only resend the request if no reply is received after an hour.
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Downloadable Help Guides, Manuals, Poster, Android App
All LoadCentral reference materials can be downloaded from this area.
- Load Central Discount & Product List
- LoadCentral WebTool Instructional brochure
- User SMS guide (cover)
- User SMS guide (inside)
- Retailer Webtool Manual
- SubDealer Webtool Manual
- LoadCentral pamphlet (cover)
- LoadCentral pamphlet (inside)
- LoadCentral Poster
- LoadCentral Android App
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LoadCentral Troubleshooting
LoadCentral Common Problems And How To Properly Address Them
Procedure on delayed or non-receipt of eload or e-PIN:
Note: It must be emphasized to the retailer that the Customer staff serves inquiries on a first-come, first-serve basis when queries are made via IM or text. Depending on the query, the staff has to access the logs or cross-check with the system data base. The agent should also mention that our system is carrier-dependent. If the carriers are experiencing problems, our SMS delivery system will also be affected. Furthermore, like the rest of the providers, our platform is running on hardware and software applications. There will be times that we might experience problems as well.
1. Contact Customer Support and provide the following:
– Trace Number and date of transaction if there is a confirmation of the sale.
– If none, buyer’s mobile number and retailer number
2. For eload transaction that are not successful, reversals of amount deducted from the retailer will be made within 24 hours.
3. For e-PINs that are not received by the buyers, the retailer should use the Resend feature of LoadCentral:
– For web tool users, just type the buyer’s mobile # on the “Resend Buyer’s PIN” box and click the bar.
– For SMS users, just type: Resend
Note: The Resend feature will only send the LAST e-PIN product purchased by the buyer. It will not work with e-load transactions.
Procedure on claimed invalid or used e-PIN:
Note: It must be emphasized to the retailer that they should not refund the amount to his/her buyer unless validated by Customer Support that the e-PIN is indeed invalid or already used. All of us are re-sellers and we need to check the specific product first with the provider. Furthermore, the agent should mention to the retailer that there are buyers, mostly online gamers, that deliberately attempt to fool the retailer. The buyer quickly loads the e-PIN to his real account, opens up a dummy account and load again the same e-PIN. The online game publisher will naturally give a prompt saying the e-PIN is used already. The gamer will then show this to the retailer and either demand a refund or another e-PIN.
1. Retailer should double check first if the right characters were used by the buyer. Sometimes buyers get confused with similar characters like the number zero and the letter O and small and capital letters eye (i), small letter el (l) and number one (1). Also, e-PINs and passwords of prepaid cards are case-sensitive.
2. If the e-PIN is correctly log in and the buyer is getting invalid or used reply by the provider, retailer should contact Customer Support and provide the Trace Number.
3. Customer Support will check with the data base and dictate, text or IM the e-PIN. If it is the same, Customer Support will ask the retailer not to refund since validation still has to be made with the provider. Depending on the availability of the provider’s own customer support and their procedure, validation of the e-PIN can take from 5 minutes to 3 days.
How to avoid your webtool account being blocked automatically:
For security purposes, our system automatically locks all newly registered accounts that have not yet changed their default passwords. To unlock your account: create a new message on your LoadCentral registered mobile phone, type UNLOCK (space) password then send to the official LoadCentral access number. If ever it has no response kindly redo the transaction and re-send it to any of the backup Access Numbers.
I get “Access Denied. Your IP Address is not Authorized.” message whenever I try to log in the webtool
This usually happen when your IP address is set to Static during registration. The IP address of the computer you are using to access the webtool does not match the IP address set in your profile. Sometimes it is better to set your IP address in your profile Static when your IP address does not change (example: workplace, cable internet) for added security. But if you log in the webtool in different computers most of the time OR your IP address changes whenever you restart your computer (example: you are using Globe Tattoo, Sun Broadband, etc), it is better to set your IP address to Dynamic. If you encounter this error, ask your Dealer/Sub-Dealer who registered you to update your profile and set your IP address to Dynamic.
I get “Access Denied. Contact Helpdesk.” message whenever I try to log in the webtool
This usually happens when you fail to log in the webtool multiple times. Try performing these steps first before contacting helpdesk.
- Compose RETOFF (space) your current FL/SMS PASSWORD then send to 09052031345 or 09286863078. Once it was successfully processed, proceed to 2nd step.
- Compose UNLOCK (space) your current FL/SMS PASSWORD then send to 09052031345 or 09286863078.
- After receiving the unlock confirmation, please log in the webtool immediately using your correct password (123456 if you haven’t changed it yet) then change your SL password. Otherwise, your account will be locked again and must repeat the procedure over again. Make sure FL/SMS and SL/webtool passwords ARE NOT the same to avoid being locked by the system.
I get “SERIAL NOT PAIRED” message whenever I try to log in the webtool or use the android app for retailer
The only solution is to contact helpdesk by sending an email to so helpdesk could reset your account. You can then generate a new serial or just leave it blank.
LoadCentral Note:
- Please CHANGE PASSWORD after you unlocked your webtool account
- You must have different passwords for your SMS and Webtool-based transactions so your Webtool access will not be locked.
- Please regularly change your LoadCentral SL or Webtool Password.
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Contact Dealer SMSRUs
Please use the form below to email us with your comments, suggestions or any questions regarding this site. Kindly provide all the necessary details so we could assist you. We will send a reply as soon as possible.
You can also contact us through:
Facebook Page:
We don’t have a physical office. SubDealer and Retailer registrations are done online through this site only. We don’t accept registration from other means. We have subdealers and retailers all over the country and even from abroad. Payments for walletload replenishment are sent through online fund transfer, bank-to-bank transfer or over-the-counter deposit to our nominated bank accounts. For meet-ups, kindly contact us for scheduling.
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