Posts Tagged ‘discount’

Back-to-School Promo – 20% discount on LoadCentral SubDealer registration fee

Here is your chance to become a LoadCentral SubDealer. For just Php800, you can be a SubDealer of LoadCentral and manage your own Retailers. You can check the benefits of a LoadCentral SubDealer here.


  1. new sim card for your Sub-Dealer account
  2. Php800 registration fee

Package includes:

  1. lifetime Sub-Dealership account
  2. promotional kits (banners, manuals, instructions, brochure, etc) – can be picked up for free OR shipped to you for a small fee
  3. ability to register unlimited number of Retailers
  4. no minimum monthly walletload quota
  5. excellent support

Please provide all the necessary details needed for your application using the form below.

    First Name :
    Middle Initial :
    Last Name :
    Town/City :
    Province :
    ID Type :  If Others, enter type of ID here : 
    ID Number :
    Email Address :
    Note: Instructions and payment details will be sent here. So enter a valid email address!

    Mobile number to register as a Sub-Dealer :  Format: 09171234567
    Business Kit :

    captcha*Enter exact code displayed on the left side
    Referred By :
    20% discount promo has ended!


    1. The Php800 registration fee is a non-refundable.
    2. There is no walletload included.
    3. Details of payment options will be sent to your email address right after you submit the registration form. Make sure “” is not in your spam list. Check your Spam/Junk folder if you cannot find our email in your Inbox. Our email might be falsely tagged as spam!
    4. Application will only be processed once payment is received and verified.
    5. This promo will end on Jun 30, 2016. Once ended, you can still submit your application thru the regular LoadCentral SubDealer registration form.

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    Load Central Product List as of Aug 2012

    An even more up-to-date list of Load Central prepaid product denominations and retailer’s discount structure for the month of August 2012 is now downloadable within our download section. I noticed there were not much changes in the list. But still do not forget to update your list always to avoid encountering problems during selling of eload.

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